Welcome to my blog! I am a FORMER negative nancy, who now LOVES life and wants to live it to the fullest. Here I share my knowledge of how others can get ideas and be inspired to change their lives as well. Most important in my life is my faith in God. We all have thing we have struggled with and I am here to show people that no matter what they feel is holding them back it doesn't have to! Its time to LIVE life and not just to let life happen to us!

Why do we QUIT?

I don't know about you but most of my life I was a quitter. When I wasn't automatically good at something or seeing results I wanted I would quit. Just assume it wasn't ever gonna happen and just end it. Its almost like I got it into my head somewhere down the road that if I wasn't a rock start at something I shouldn't be doing it. I had no idea that failing and learning to be good at things was just a part of life.

I know I am not alone in thinking this way so I ask why do we do it. Why do we stop reaching for things we want SO bad. Why when things get tough do we just throw in the towel? I dont know about you but for me it was a combination of self doubt, a lack of patience, selfishness, and being a victim. But thats just me lol.

We have to see that anything worth having will take time and that time will pass wether we do it or not so we might as well keep going and get a reward for it. Although it doesn't feel like it the small things that we do each day that seem like they don't make a difference DO. They make a HUGE difference. You can do anything you put your mind to (I know easier said then done right?).

Here are my tips for starting what you finish:

1. Have an accountability partner. Someone you know will tell you how it is and will hold you to what you said. Even better someone who is on whatever journey it is with you.

2. Find you BIG and TRUE WHY. Why are you doing it? Really think about it. And not just something like "I want to loose weight". That will not be strong enough. Something that will drive you to the end and make you never want to give up. Things like, getting out of debt, looking AMAZING at a certain event, being healthier for your kids, leaving a legacy for your family. Something STRONG to you. And take it a step further, make a vision board you will see everyday.

3. Don't neglect your personal growth! It seems silly but we shouldn't ever stop leaning especially about how we can become the best us. So read an amazing book, listen to a podcast, watch youtube (I love TedTalks), or even go to an event.

4. Remember you are like the top 5 people you hang out with . So if you are haning around people who don't want the same things as you, maybe you should rethink spending so much time with them while you work on you.

5. Most important, remember NOTHING is worth your happiness. You are worth it and CAN have it. So no more limiting beliefs and Knock them dead!!

I was where you are I though so little of myself and what I could do that I never though I could ever have the things in life I wanted. But I was very wrong. Successful people are not people who never fail, they are people who never QUIT.
© 2025 Faithfully fit With Kathryn K

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